10 Steps to Prepare for Every Run

Do you want to be a better runner?

You’re in luck! We have 10 moves that will help you warm up your body before every run. These moves are designed to get your muscles ready for the workout ahead, so you can perform at your best and avoid injury.

Before your next run or race, get a head start with our dynamic warmup moves that can be done anywhere. These exercises are quick and will help you to go stronger for longer at any distance!

When it comes down to it, there is nothing more important than being able to train consistently. And if you aren’t warming up properly before each session, then all of your training could be in vain. Make sure that doesn't happen by following these simple steps below!

How to prepare yourself for running

Exercises involving reverse lunges

If you are looking for a safer warm-up exercise to perform, consider using reverse lunges! Reverse lunges focus more on your glutes than traditional lunge exercises. This is because the front foot of this move needs to be elevated above ground level, which means that it will have less pressure pushing down on it compared with other lower-body moves.

You may also want to try doing these in sets or rounds rather than one long series of reps if you'd like something slightly different from usual leg workouts.

If your body is still cold from being in the air conditioning, start with a combination of 2 x 5 reps until you're ready to get started. This can activate the muscles in your legs and hips so that they are prepared for what's ahead.

Warm-up your body with reverse lunges today. These moves can be a game-changer for anyone working on their fitness routine and will get the blood flowing through every vein in your legs, helping you feel rejuvenated from head to toe!


Going for a run? Then make sure you do the plank exercise beforehand. The long-distance runner will get the benefit of this workout, but even sprinters can give it a try to help with their sprints!

To improve your core strength, stability, and balance while running, you can practice the plank exercise. The stronger your core is from doing the plank exercise regularly will help support your spine that may cause a reduction of lower back pain when you run long distances or sprints.

Run at 80 percent

To get your body ready to run, a runner should warm up with light jogging before increasing speed and distance. The purpose of the warm-up is to prevent injuries by gradually getting the blood flowing through our muscles instead of suddenly pushing hard from zero miles per hour.

The runner's warm-up strategy of choice is the 80 percent run. The runner can practice their form with this method, and it also acts as good preparation for race day in being able to adapt one's pace quickly within the body beforehand.

It's the world's greatest stretch

Before or after a workout, try The World's Greatest Stretch to ease leg cramps and boost your range of motion. This dynamic stretch targets specific muscle groups like the hip flexors, butt, hamstrings, quadriceps, and lateral calf for five minutes before running or other physical activity.

Rope Jumping

Jump roping is a great warm-up for runners. It allows you to prepare your muscles and the body in general so that they are ready when it's time for a high-intensity run or endurance training session.

Knees high

To work out your legs and core, try high knees. High knees are another great pre-run stretch or workout that targets the muscles in your thighs and abdominals.

Standing up, start bringing your knees up towards you rapidly. Once the rhythm becomes comfortable and natural to you, feel like jogging in place with a few short pauses between each knee lift.

Shuffle to the side

Get ready to shuffle! The side shuffle is a dynamic pre-run workout that entails running in the same direction but with abrupt changes. Use your hips to move laterally as you bend and stretch your body. A popular choice because it takes little energy and strengthens and improves range of motion for lateral hip muscles—try doing some today before going out on a run!

Getting a butt kick

A great dynamic stretch to do before running is the butt kick. Start with your legs spread slightly apart and then quickly move each leg up towards your buttocks, trying not to let them touch the ground in between kicks.

As you warm-up, start to pick up speed. Keep going until your legs are moving as fast as they can in place. Remember that this is a great time to stretch out the leg muscles and get them ready for some intense running!

The Jumping Jack

Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up, burn calories, and tone muscles. Performed daily they can also lower blood pressure, reduce fat around the waistline, help improve flexibility in joints such as the ankle or knee joint which is particularly important for older adults who have osteoarthritis of these areas.

One-Legged Glute Bridge

The single-leg glute bridge will help you strengthen your glutes and make them work harder.

You want to warm up your muscles before doing this exercise. Start by lying on the ground with your hands splayed out at your sides and one leg extended while keeping the other bent so that it is underneath you. Push yourself off of the floor using only two points: where both heels are touching down and where both knees meet each other at a 90-degree angle. Once you have reached full extension look straight ahead or slightly above eye level towards something stationary - don't be afraid to return slowly! If necessary start small, but do 5 repetitions every 30 seconds for starters.

Why stretching and warm-up is good for you

When stretching before a workout, it is important to perform the stretches correctly. If this happens there are potential benefits that outweigh the risks of injuries if done incorrectly.

  • It increases blood flow to the muscles

One of the best ways to improve your blood circulation is through stretching, which will increase the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach your muscles. This means you can recover faster from strenuous workouts with less soreness.

  • Prevents and heals back pain

Stretching the muscles may help heal an existing back injury by extending your range of motion. Muscle tightness can cause a reduced range which increases chances for straining and injuring the surrounding area.

  • Posture improvement

People have bad posture because their muscles are imbalanced. There is evidence that strengthening and stretching specific groups of muscles can improve alignment by reducing musculoskeletal pain.

  • Enhances your physical activity performance

Stretching your muscles before physical activity can help you prepare for the action. It may also improve performance in that particular task by increasing blood flow and decreasing muscle tension, which could result in better overall strength throughout that specific exercise.

  • Enhances flexibility

Stretching is important for long-term health because it can increase your flexibility. Flexibility reduces the risk of injuries, specifically in sports where you may be required to twist or turn quickly during training and competition.

Stretching is a great way to increase your flexibility and overall health. Plus, it can be done easily by anyone at any time!

  • Relieves tension headaches

Tension headaches can really get in the way of your daily life, but there are things you can do to reduce them. Make sure that you're eating healthy food and drinking lots of water so nothing is getting dehydrated - especially yourself! Also, make time for dynamic stretching because it helps drive blood flow through all parts of your body which make everything feel more energized.

  • Increases your range of motion

Stretching can help your joints move more freely. Improving your range of motion means that you're able to go through a full range of motion and avoid limitations in mobility, which may prevent injuries like sprains or strains by allowing the joint to function properly with its surrounding muscles and ligaments.

  • Provides excellent stress relief

When you're feeling stressed, your muscles tense up. The tension is a response to emotional and physical stress; what we really need are some good stretches that can loosen the tightness of our muscles - this way less stress will be felt!

  • Relaxes the mind

The benefits of getting involved in a daily stretching program include increasing your flexibility and calming the mind. You can achieve this by practicing meditation exercises that allow you to take breaks from focusing on other activities, which helps keep mindful throughout stretches.

  • Reduces the risk of injury

Stretching is a time-tested and effective way to improve your flexibility, range of motion, resist injury.

We all know that stretching before exercise improves performance; it makes sense then that daily stretches will help you with the activities we do every day like walking upstairs or getting out of chairs and reduce our risk for injuries such as strained muscles.

Stretching is beneficial both before and after working out. Stiff muscles are uncomfortable, so if you feel tightness in any areas following a workout, stretch to relieve the tension.

As a runner, you’ll get injured. As a person, you’ll screw up. From all of those little aggravations, disappointments, and unpleasant memories, you form the whole you a wonderfully complex piece of semi-organized stardust. Wounds, injuries, and other life challenges are an important component of your entire trip. So let's embrace them as much as possible. Even though injuries can suck to go through sometimes, they make us strong in ways that only someone who has been there could understand what it means for their lives afterward. I hope this article helped jog some thoughts on how running injury recovery is a huge opportunity for growth - be sure to share with friends or loved ones!